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Connecting at BHBC

Do you perfer to sit in the masked or non-masked section? Sounds silly? Perhaps.

Our church will remain in zoom only services for the time being.

However, even as we distance ourselves physically, inorporate what you can to stay connected emotionally. We will continue to build relationships with each other and engage the world around us. Join us for faith community and friendship on our online interactive services on zoom.

See below for webinar links and connecting by phone, as well as the dates and times of our gatherings.  Please share withyour family and friends to invite them to join us!

Beverly Hills Baptist Church sign

Weekly Online Webinars   - Webinars go live 5 minutes prior to scheduled start. All times Central Daylight Time.          

To attend by telephone audio only, call1-253-215-8782, and follow propmt to enter Meeting ID followed by #, then another #. This is NOT a toll-free call. Your phone plan rate charges apply.   


9 AM Prayer - Webinar link 

Meeting ID: 166-568-714

Meeting Password: 421570

10 AM Worship Service - Webinar link

Meeting ID: 351-199-393

Meeting Password: 530310


6:30 PM The CORD -  Webinar link

Meeting ID: 685-688-626

Meeting Password: 333421

7:30 PM Mid-Week Prayer - Webinar link

Meeting ID: 889 6513 1982

Meeting Password: 434450

Pastor Debbie Rarick

Dr. Debbie Rarick, Pastor

Pastor Debbie joined BHBC during the summer of 2016. A few months later, she was hired as Church Administrator, and filled in pulpit supply as needed. Since April 2017, she has served as pastor.

"With God's guidance and help, I endeavor to serve our congregation and community well.  Join us as we spread the message of the gospel of Christ, emphasizing God's compelling mercy, and life-transforming grace. We want to walk with you on your faith journey.

I personally invite you to 'Come follow Jesus with us!'. Join us on zoom, or call the church to connect."  - Pastor Debbie

Sunday Bible Study

- Temporarily Cancelled (see online service schedule above)

Bill Northcutt has faithfully ministered  at Beverly Hills Baptist Church for more than two decades in various capacities such as Church Council Member, Pulpit Supply, Treasurer and Church Trustee.


Don't let this picture mislead you.  By his own confession, Bill has served the church in every capacity other than music ministry!

Bill Northcutt, Teacher




Recovery and



The CORD: a powerful, effectivea, nd unique community of 12-step recovery and practical discipleship centered around following Jesus.

What to Expect: Worship, Biblical Recovery Teaching, Sharing Hope, Fellowship and Prayer

Wednesdays, 6:30 pm, webinar link.

Beverly Hills Baptist Church


Where to enter for BHBC.

BHBC is housed on the first floor of the Eva A. Soza Dream Center building. We are in the building on the left, just past the handicap parking. Enter through these doors, and take the hallway on the right. Our Chapel is the first door on the right, our Multipurpose Room is the first door on the left.

However, for now, we are only meeting online with zoom.

Beverly Hills Baptist Church is thrilled to have an incredible host church, Pastor Ruben Andrade and Family of Faith Worship Center.

In June 2017, after seven decades of ministry at this location, BHBC had the distinct honor of transferring the buildings and grounds over to FOFWC to aid in their ever expanding ministry.


Connect with us!

Fill out the form below for prayer requests, or other communication!

If you are looking to participate in on our webinars, just click the link in the weekly schedule above, or join by phone for the event of your choice.

We look forward to connecting with you!

Please enter your name.
Please enter a message.

Donate to BHBC!

Please make your online donations for tithes, offerings and gifts to support the ministry of Beverly Hills Baptist Church through either of the following secure donation formats.

Use this form to donate without PayPal.